Friday, June 27, 2014

Moving on Up....

So after four long years after paying off debt, saving, and hunting for the perfect home, my husband and I finally found it. We closed on May 30th and have been working hard over the past couple weeks to make it our home. Me, being the perfectionist, wants everything to be done quickly but I have had to step by and let reality hit me in the face and realize that we have the rest of our lives to make the house perfect (or as close to it as possible).

My recent projects have included the kitchen and downstairs bathroom. I want to go on record saying I hate shelf liner. I hate it with a fiery passion. Yes, it is beautiful and yes, I wanted it very badly but it was not "easy liner" as described on the packaging.

I was not anticipating how many cabinets and drawers I was going to have to do either. In our old kitchen, we had very limited storage. Now, we have a lot more (I actually have empty cabinets for the time being...can you believe it?!?). Two days later, I still did not have the shelf liner finished. It kept causing problems like not sticking or sticking to me or I ran out (three times). Whoever replaced the cabinets in the kitchen put the shelves upside down (cannot be easily fixed) so the grainy part is on the top and the smoother part is on the bottom. This proves very difficult when trying to stick shelf liner onto the shelf. However, finally, after a few tears of frustration, I gave in and got the rubber kind (in a brown to match, of course) and it has worked thus far. In conclusion, I dislike shelf liner very much and I need to do it in my closets and I am just not going to fool with it right now.

So then begins my mission of painting. I knew exactly what color I wanted in my kitchen. I wanted a turquoise/teal color and I am happy to say it turned out great. I am going to use coral accents in it.



I should have taken a picture of the whole kitchen but I forgot and I don't feel like getting up to do so right now. Just trust me...the color is great.

Until next time.....

Friday, June 6, 2014

School's Out....for two months

Somehow my summer break keeps shrinking each and every year. My last day or school was May 30th and I return on August 1st! I can hardly believe it. It is already the first week of June; time is flying. This school year taught me a few things such as:

  • Students are now able to get a F+, F, and/or an F-. In my day, an F was just an F. 
  • Hot glue works wonders when trying to decorate or hang things on your classroom walls. 
  • Vertical blinds are not my friend. I break them every time I open or shut my blinds in my classroom.
  • Central air is not all it is cracked up to be. My room is still very hot at school and I miss my large windows I could open at my previous school.
  • Saying "no" is okay.
  • Taking time for myself is extremely important.
  • Students and staff are able to help you endure a hard situation, such as losing a loved one.
  • Teaching is pretty awesome and I am fortunate to do what I love every day (I already knew this one but it is good to revisit it)

This summer however, things will be different. My husband and I purchased our first home (FINALLY!). It still feels surreal. Even as I am sitting in my half-unpacked office (I should be unpacking but everyone needs a break, right?) typing this blog post. 

I will be embarking on my fourth year of teaching. I can hardly believe it. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in endless classes at Marshall writing lesson plans after lesson plans. I am looking forward to the new school year and I plan to be pretty busy on Pinterest in between working on my house but I am not in a hurry for summer to pass me by! 

Blog posts about the house to come soon :)